Friday, May 14, 2010

Mobile Pics

Some of the most noteworthy pics I take of Harper are on my phone. Today I uploaded them to the computer and must post a few on here. Most of the photos have a story behind them and don't worry, I'll include them all just so that nobody goes questioning my suitability as a parent... I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

When your hair looks like this, you either had a really great day or a terrible one. This was a great, albeit busy, day for us. We had a long day at Theo's house (aka work with mom), a visit to the Adams residence, and the first softball game of the season. One can only guess what followed this evening snack. That's right: bedtime.
Good morning, Harper!
Just out of the bath!
I want all of you to know that I picked Harper up immediately after taking this picture. I absolutely hate to hear her cry but couldn't resist snapping a photo of her frustration over not being able to crawl. She is desperate to move around on her own. She can push up to hands and knees but has not yet figured out how to get going from there. After flopping down a few times and getting nowhere, she pulls this face and cries until I pick her up.
If you were teething, you'd want a frozen whole wheat ego waffle to suck on too.

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