Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Two Things

I don't care if Harper isn't a vegetarian, animal-loving yogi. She doesn't even need to be a shopaholic mascara junkie. I in no way intend to create a mini me as we raise her. However, there are two things that I hope she takes from me... I've been thinking it and wishing it since I found out I was pregnant: dear God, let her love music and let her love reading.

I think that we all know that I love to play the piano. I've been playing since I was a little girl and was teaching before I could drive (and I'm still a better teacher than driver any day). The piano has given me confidence and taken me around the world. It earned me one crown and got me pretty close to a second. It paved the way for my education and it has brought me through many moments, both dark and joyous. I can't even imagine myself without a piano or without music. I believe that people who don't at least develop an appreciation for music are missing out on something very powerful. In addition to piano, I love to sing. I've been singing for as long as I can remember. When I was three, I would put my dance clothes on and turn my living room into a stage as I pretended to be Jem (if you don't know, just google Jem and the Holograms). I've taken voice lessons on and off for years and boy, do I love to sing! If I had the confidence (and coordination), I'd be on broadway for sure, but as it is, I'm not even fond of singing for relatively small audiences. Without 88 keys in front of me, my performing skills are lacking. Alas, I have found the perfect audience in Harper. Oh how I love singing to that girl. I sing to her pretty much all day (broadway, lullabies, random tunes I make up as we go...). We spend quite a bit of time at the piano as well. She also has an iPod already (thanks Aunt Calli) and I am filling it with lullabies, children's favorites, classical music, and musicals. Somewhere amidst the piano time, constant singing, and exposure to different genres, she has got to catch the music bug, right? If there were other ways to bring music to her, believe me, I'd be doing it. I just think that I did okay for myself and I was never really exposed to music. I asked for piano lessons and voice lessons but before that, nobody had been singing to me in solfege or playing Mozart Adagio's for me as I fell asleep. I figure (or at least hope with all of my heart) that she will just soak these things up and have an even better musical beginning than I did.

I am a glutenous reader. I get my hands on a good book and time stops. I'll read til four or five in the morning. I'll read through my workout time. I'll even read when I am with other people. Showers? Food? Chores? None of these things matter until I've read my eyes to soreness and turned the last page. I have always loved to read and hope that Harper will, too. I bought her books before she was even born. She already has quite a collection. It includes a lot of board books for now as well as many of my favorites (Fancy Nancy, Pinkalicious, Little Critter Books, etc.). I mean, the girl has to have at least 50 books already. I read to her every day. I want to inspire in her a lifetime love of reading and learning. If you can read, you can learn. If you can learn, you can find success, peace, and happiness in any form that you desire it. My parents read to me from the beginning. Going to the library (or in my three year old language, "the yibrary") with my parents is one of my favorite memories. I credit my love of books and learning to their willingness to read to me. Everyone I know who had consistent story time when they were young reads regularly in adulthood. I don't care what she reads (well, that's a lie... but I'll keep my very strong opinions to myself here because I don't want to hurt any feelings) as long as she reads.

Luckily, she is already interested in books and I have photographic proof! When I took this, I was so excited! "Colt, Colt! Look, she loves her book!" We can thank Grandma Carrie for this book. It was an early Valentine's day present! Look at her! She'll be reading to me before I know it!

Harper started sitting up today! She falls forward after a bit but we are still pretty proud of her! She had her 4 month check up yesterday and Dr. P said she looks great and he can't believe how happy and aware she is! She is laughing more and more every day and starting to eat rice cereal (well she is starting to spit it all over herself and her mom, that is)! She is in the 95th percentile for height and weight (16.6 lbs 26 inches)!

1 comment:

  1. That is so cool about piano. I would love to hear you play. Maybe you could teach Kelsie when she gets a little bigger. My passion is dancing, especially ballet. I just wish I stuck with it when I was younger and admire you for doing it.


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