Sunday, February 7, 2010

4 Months!

Our sweet Harper Jane is four months old today! The time has gone so fast yet I can't believe that I ever lived without her. What an odd trick time plays on us. She is so amazing and brings me so much happiness. We took her to her first Super Bowl Party today. I don't know how much fun she had. It was loud and there were a lot of people; I am afraid she may have felt a little overwhelmed at times. We had a good time, though. It's nice to enjoy an afternoon with our friends. Colt has amazing friends and I have sort of adopted them as my own.

Here is Harper before bed. She has her four month check-up tomorrow morning and I am excited to see what Dr. P has to say. At her two month check-up he was amazed at how old she looked and acted. I mean, of course... who wouldn't be amazed by Harper? She's perfect!
I wanted to take a minute to say how much I love Harper's dad, Colt. He has been so good to me since we started dating. When I met Colt, I was coming out of a very dark time. He showed me the love that had been missing from my life and proved to me that people really can be honest and selfless. He let my little dog into his heart and loved her like his own. He made me strong and became my best friend.
I recently read Elizabeth Gilbert's new book, 'Committed' and in it she writes about the opportunity each couple has to create their own world together, with a language, schedule, moral code, and atmosphere that is all their own. I am so excited to have this with Colt, to build a private Colt and Abby universe together, full of good food, music, laughter, and play. I never imagined myself with a better half but alas, here I am. Colt, Harper, and Hazel are my family and I am grateful for them everyday.

This is one of my favorite photos! It in one of the few that I took during the 41 weeks I was pregnant. I am pretty certain that despite the fact that I feed, walk, bathe, and care for Hazelnut, she still loves Colt more than she loves me!

I love this photo of Colt and me. We were having a lazy day after Christmas 2009. I think we were in bed until late afternoon. This was one amazing day of doing absolutely nothing.

1 comment:

  1. She really is so beautiful! You and colt are very lucky to have such an amazing little girl. Also, I am happy for you and Colt. You both look very happy.


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