Monday, October 6, 2014

Dropping In

Well hello there. How's life?

I'm not much of a blogger anymore, I guess. It's not because I don't want to be- trust me, I love this little spot and the few people that still visit it. It's just that life is more busy than it's ever been.

I'm running a daycare and a preschool (I have not one, but two, classes this year, trying to get a piano studio up and running, trying to practice my own piano stuff, going to school, singing in a choir (I made it into the Salt Lake Symphonic Choir and am loving it. Truly. They say that people who sing daily are happier than people who don't and it's true! Being in a choir again makes my heart happy), taking care of my family (which includes getting Harper to ballet each week and making sure she does her homework and reading assignments each night), trying to keep my house clean, trying to keep up on goals, trying to read all of the books that I want to read, and attempting to build some new friendships. I am up at 6:15 every day. I work all day long and before I know it, it's midnight and I'm exhausted. It's not that I don't want to blog. I just don't have a lot of time or energy for it right now.

I'm working on a goal of writing for 30 minutes everyday for 30 consecutive days. I'm hoping to incorporate some blog posts into my daily writing. I've got some ideas for posts and a lot of stuff to catch up on. There is also the fact that HARPER IS TURNING 5 TOMORROW. Seriously. FIVE. You know I'm going to need to talk about that.

Just look at her. She is so not a baby anymore...

We had a really fun party for her and her little buddies last Saturday. I'll have to tell you all about it when I have a little more time. We are off to a little double birthday party for Harper and my mother-in-law with Colt's family.

I hope you guys are well. I really do think about my blog friends on a daily basis. I love you and hope that life is treating you to lots of love and happiness. Leave me a comment to tell me what you've been up to, what you'd like to see on this blog, or just to say hi. Much love!

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