Friday, July 19, 2013

A Worn Out Scout

This photo.
It nearly kills me.
I love everything about it.

Last night, as I watched Harper riding her bike to the park in her fresh (and temporary) ink, a cocktail ring, and her favorite leggings, I nearly cried. True story. I found myself holding back tears as I watched her on her big girl bike, racing ahead of me, in a hurry to get to the playground and make as many friends and do as much playing as possible before it was time to go home and get ready for bed. 

I am guessing my emotional vulnerability might have been the fact that we had Scout with us. Something about that little dog gets me. I think it's because he's been with Harper since the beginning, since before she could walk, talk, or ride a bike. 

Scout, like me, has watched Harper grow and change on an almost daily basis. He's been there through all of the cuteness (and some not-so-cuteness) and has seen Harper go from baby to toddler to girl all in what feels like nothing more than the blink of an eye.

Scout has been a big part of Harper's life and I know that he holds a special place in her heart. He doesn't go adventuring with us as much as he used to but he's still with Harper every day. He sleeps with her, sometimes even as a pillow, and is always lounging around our house in random spots. After all this time and so many new toys, this little pup is still her favorite. She calls him "my Scout" and won't let any other child touch him. 

He has been on the airplane with Harper twice now. He was with us at Disneyland. He was a guest at our wedding and has been by Harper's side through sickness, sadness, and fun- lots of fun. Scout has been with us at the zoo, the movies, restaurants, grandma's houses, and countless other places. 

All of this, combined with many baths and several "surgeries", have worn Scout out- literally. He is quite matted and his stuffing is getting pretty bunched up. I'm afraid that if this particular Scout tries to keep up with Harper for much longer, he won't make it.

I absolutely can not let him get so tattered that he has to be thrown away. I can't do that to him or to Harper. I've considered finding someone to fix him (is that even a thing? Are there stuffed animal fixers out there?) and have even looked into doing it myself but am worried that I'll do more harm than good if I try.

This morning, I went ahead and ordered a new Scout (after just a little searching, I found the exact same dog- heaven bless Aurora Gifts for still making him) so that I can pack this special one away as a keepsake and I'm unsure about how to approach the subject with Harper. I don't want her to see this replacement as a new or different Scout- just an improved one, sort of like he went to the stuffed animal doctor for a rejuvenation. Does that make sense?

Chances are that she may not notice the difference. Scout is always fluffier after his bath and she may think that's all that happened, especially if I don't say anything about it. If she does notice, however, I am going to be a bit lost. 

What do you guys think? Am I terrible for even considering this? Have you ever replaced a favorite toy before? If so, what did you tell your little one? 

1 comment:

  1. Each of my boys has a stuffed animal/comfort object. I wouldn't mention it, and if she does ask, you can say that you "helped Scout look new again." She'll more than likely be thrilled that he's in such good shape again...hopefully. Good luck!


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