Tuesday, July 23, 2013

A Harper Moment: No Stinky Boys for Harper

Harper and I spent last Sunday morning having "a yittle party" at Liberty Park. The guests included Harper, Scout, Tolstoy (I'm reading War and Peace), and me. There were snacks and drinks but, according to Harper, it wasn't a picnic because we didn't have a basket or a red blanket (she made sure to let me know that we need to get both as quickly as possible). She played for an hour and we took three laps around the park. It was a great morning. 
As we were packing our stuff up and putting it in the car, Harper looked around and said, "Mommy, I'm just not going to marry a boy that is stinky."

She is the cutest little smarty pants I've ever known. 

Also, I'm glad to know that a stinky son-in-law will never have to be on my list of worries.

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