Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Watermelon Girl

Harper is a girl that loves watermelon. She loves it so much that she would choose it over candy, ice cream, and cake (smart girl, that Harper).

On Sunday evening, we cut the first watermelon of the summer. Harper was literally jumping up and down with excitement as I pulled a knife out of our kitchen drawer. I'm pretty sure that she ate a good pound of juicy, drippy watermelon before I even finished slicing it up.
How grown up is she looking lately? Seriously.

Right before our eyes, Harper has become a kid. There is absolutely no toddler left in her. She is all kid: freckle-faced, curious, and silly, overflowing with more questions, emotions, and energy than either of us knows what to do with.

She's exhausting, but I love her.

Her first dance recital is next week and I can barely wait. Her class had photos last week and I couldn't get over how tall (and cute!) she looked in her costume.
Harper and the other little darlings in her class are the only people I know that can make zebra print and neon look good together. 

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