Friday, June 7, 2013

A New Series and A New Shop

I have a couple of new projects in the works and I'm excited to share them with you guys.

1. A New Series
First off, someone read on here that I love classic movies and messaged me for suggestions. While I was trying to recall all of my favorites, it occurred to me that it might be fun to do a series on old movies. 

I grew up with older parents (my dad turns 70 this year!), which means that I was introduced to a lot of classic music and movies. My mom and I used to stay up late watching old films together. Our movie marathons are some of my favorite memories and I'm really glad that my she introduced me to Doris Day, Audrey Hepburn (before she was trendy, mind you), Rock Hudson, Greta Garbo, Clark Gable, Cary Grant, Vivien Leigh, Deborah Carr, Tippi Hendren, and young Sean Connery. 

Just this week, I watched Camille, a black and white film from 1936 that starred one of my biggest lady crushes of all time, Greta Garbo. 
Greta Garbo was so beautiful and mysterious. I love her Swedish accent. Robert Taylor, another favorite of mine, played opposite her in Camille, a story about a Parisian courtesan torn between love and money (I don't want to say much more because I don't want to give anything away!). 

I love this movie- the plot, the cast, and the costuming is all wonderful. 
I will always love classic movies. I watch one or two each week (usually recorded from TCM) by myself (I probably don't need to tell you that old Hollywood is Colt's kind of thing) and can't wait to share some of my favorites with Harper. Until then, I was thinking of sharing them with you.

What do you guys think? Would this be a good series? 

2. A New Shop
Classic Hollywood isn't my only obsession. As you know, I love to thrift. I started last fall and have had so much fun finding treasures. I've thrifted shirts, skirts (all types, from party to grandma), jewelry, shoes, jackets, sweaters, and books. 

Cute, right? This isn't even the tip of the iceberg, either. I take my obsessions seriously, which is both a blessing and a curse. 

Anyway, a lot of thrifters have instagram shops. They find treasures, take photos of them, and sell them right from instagram. I myself have purchased numerous delights from instagram thrift shops. It's really fun, actually. A thrifter posts an item and the first person to comment with their Paypal e-mail address wins the sale (curse whoever won the baby Ug booties no more than 10 seconds before I finished typing my comment!).

Some shop owners even take suggestions before they go thrifting. They will ask if anyone is looking for a specific style or size and will then try to find it for them. All payments are done through Paypal and I am happy to say that I've never (knock on wood) had an issue with an instagram shop. Most of the thrifters I've "met" are super sweet and take good care of their customers by answering questions and shipping items out quickly.

Okay. Enough babble. Long story short: I've loved being on the shopping end of instagram thrift stores, and that makes me think I might like the other end as well. I started a shop account tonight. It's called thesandycloset (joyfulcloset and abbyscloset were both taken). I hope to post a few items to it tomorrow. I'll be selling thrifty finds for women, children, and men, and I'll always be open to requests (for clothing, shoes, jewelry, and books). I'll also be posting items from my personal closet.

If you have instagram and you're interested, go ahead and follow along (Diligent Joy customers will get a discount- I'm not sure what it is yet but I'll let you know when I get it all worked out). I'm excited to see how this goes. From what I figure, the key is gathering a following of good customers. That might take a minute for me because I've never been good with popularity contests (probably because I'm awkward and nerdy) but I'm going to give it a try. Wish me luck! 


  1. Exciting! Can I please have a thrifting adventure with you when I move back to Utah? I've always been slightly jealous of that awesomeness.

  2. Heck yes to the movie series! I love movies, especially classics from early hollywood. The biggest bummer about not having TV service is missing out on TCM and AMC. I have a few old movies on DVD but not nearly enough. I think tonight I'm going to watch Indiscreet after work, I really love Ingrid Bergman's wardrobe in that film.

  3. I know nothing about instagram shops, but I love the idea of the movie series!


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