Thursday, May 9, 2013

Tiny Feet

This is probably one of my favorite instagrams. Forget instagram. It's probably one of my favorite photos ever.

Tiny feet, like great art and beautiful music, are profound for me.

Tiny feet- Harper's tiny feet, to be more specific- humble me and make me feel vulnerable. At the same time, they inspire me and strengthen my soul. Tiny feet, like the masterpieces of Bach, Rachmaninoff, Van Gogh, and Degas, give me hope for more. They affirm for me that we are not alone, that God is, and that there is more for us than this short life. Some people find God at church or in the Bible. They feel closest to him when they are praying or serving others. I find that the presence of God is strongest for me when I look at or hear something really wonderful. It is even stronger in the quiet and simple moments of motherhood- holding Harper while she sleeps, sharing a book with her, or tickling her and calling her silly names until she can't stop giggling- are the moments that bring me the most hope and the greatest peace.

I have kissed Harper's tiny- and sometimes stinky- toes countless times. I love them. I love her. I love being her mother. Motherhood has given me purpose and peace. It has strengthened my faith in ways I never imagined possible. It has tested me and stretched me and has made me unbelievably happy. I've said it before and I'll say it a thousand times over: motherhood has made me whole.

This cutie and I are headed to Vegas later today. I'm so excited for a weekend with my two favorite ladies.

Happy Mother's Day and much love.


  1. I feel the same way about motherhood. It has made me a new person and I love this person. I'm so grateful for Everly choosing me and the blessing she is in my life.

  2. this is such a precious post! :) hope you guys had a blast in Vegas!


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