Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Book Friends at the Zoo

We took Harper to Hogle Zoo last night for a special member's only evening. I absolutely love Hogle Zoo and maintain that our yearly pass is one of the best purchases we make each spring. Harper and Colt love it, too. Our favorite time to go is on Sunday morning. If we get there right as they open, it's not too busy (everyone is always coming right as we are leaving) and we can see all of the animals eat breakfast. They are much more active in the morning. Even the wolves (Colt's favorite) are out at that time.

A walk around the zoo, two carousel rides, and a train ride is the perfect way to spend a morning with family and friends (our pass allows us to take two guests for free each visit). I would probably go every week if our schedule allowed it.

The new Rocky Shores exhibit is amazing. We love watching Rizzo the Polar Bear swim and play. Harper loves the otters, too, and the grizzly bears are adorable.

Last night, the seals were resting together on a rock. It was so fun to get a nice, long, close up look at them. Harper thought they were "so tute" and when carousel time came around, she insisted upon riding a seal.

What I love most about visiting the zoo is that I get to be reminded of some of my favorite book characters (yes, I'm a nerd... tell me something I don't know). I tend to become very attached to fictional characters, wise/brave/mysterious animal ones included. The heros/heroines from my favorite books have been a big part of my life and I consider them to be something like old friends. When we are at the zoo, the tigers remind me of Rickard Parker, the elephants of Rosie, the owl of Hedwig, and of course, the new polar bear makes me think of Iorek Byrnison (next to Aslan, Iorek is my favorite fictional animal, because he is so brave). 

I love animals so much and really appreciate books with strong animal characters. I actually just finished rereading The Life of Pi (which was just as good the second time around... it is honestly in my top five favorites) and am looking for something new to enjoy. Any suggestions?


  1. I'm re-reading the Chronicles of Narnia right now. Aslan really is the greatest.

    1. Somehow, The Chronicles of Narnia is not in my library. I need to remedy this asap. I've been wanting to reread them for years. Now is the perfect time. I can read them to Harper!

      I love Aslan so much. He is my favorite. :)

  2. I don't have any great suggestions, but I kind of want to keep checking back to find one! Haha.


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