Monday, June 4, 2012

The Beauty Aisle... Summer Makeup

Monday is here again and as you may already know, I could care less. I love my job and never really mind when the beginning of a new week arrives. Harper, her little friends, and I spent all morning outside and it was wonderful. I just love summertime. Light clothing, less makeup, cold drinks, and the sun combine to make me one happy girl.

I find that my makeup routine, just like my wardrobe and sleeping schedule, changes right along with the seasons. In the winter, I'm more pale (well, I'm always pale, you know... I'm just at my palest from November to March) and tend to use darker/brighter/more vibrant lip colors. I definitely wear more makeup in general during the colder months.

In the fall, I'm all about eyes and come springtime, I am always obsessed with blush. Spring comes and I want nothing but bright, happy cheeks...

Sonia Kashuk is my go to brand for blushes.
I'm obsessed with the Beautifying Blush (I have four shades!) 
and the Shimmering Loose Mineral Blush. Learn more about both here.

Anyway, in the summer, I go for less. I rarely go completely makeup free but definitely cut back a lot when it's warm outside. I like when my nose freckles come out (I have about six of them) and don't want to detract from them. Also, I'm outside a lot and it's hot and too much makeup just makes me feel sticky, like I'm going to melt at any moment. I usually go for serum, moisturizer, a thin layer of mineral foundation, blush, a little eye makeup (not everyday, though), and lip gloss or chap stick. It's wonderful and I honestly wish it could be summer year around just because I love warm weather makeup so very much.

When I do wear eye makeup, like I did last Friday night (the ladies came over for some drinks because the gents were at Cody's bachelor party), I go for neutral shadow/eyeliner.

This summer, I've found several new (and awesome) products that I can't get enough of. I'm going to tell you about them over the next few days. Does that sound like fun to you?

Here are a couple to get us going:

EOS Lip Balm- Have you tried this amazing stuff yet? If not, you're missing out and you should zip over to Target today and get some! I have several flavors and they are all delish. They are also super moisturizing. Even Colty likes them (I gave him two new flavors for his birthday but don't tell him I told you so because he probably doesn't want people knowing since he's so manly and all...).
My new (also from Sonia Kashuk) eyelash curler- On days when I go without eye make up (which are frequent in the summer), I still curl my eyelashes. Did you know that a quick eyelash curl is one of the fastest and easiest ways to look more awake?

How about you...

What products are you loving right now?

Do you change your makeup routine with the seasons?


  1. Love that you love Sonia Kashuk, I stumbled upon the blush when I was in St. George and had lost my makeup bag. Now it's a staple in my routine. I started using the aspirin mask you recommended, along with a baking soda scrub and the oil cleaning method for my skin about a month ago. I have not had a blemish since, which is beyond fantastic. It's also healing up old scars and dark marks.

    It's opened up a whole new world of makeup for me since I'm not trying to cover up all kinds of hideous problem areas. What are your thoughts on eye shadow? Can people over the age of 25 wear dramatic colors? Furthermore, what is your stance on eyeliner and mascara?

    1. I'm pretty sure I'll be wearing dramatic colors until the day I die. I think the key to doing something bold is trying it at home beforehand. I rarely go without mascara and normally wear eyeliner. I don't always use regular eyeliner, though, because it requires so much patience. I usually just use a darker shadow in place of it.

      Aspirin masks are amazing. I'm using one tonight!

  2. I've been dying to try the EOS lip balm but sadly they don't have it here. I love your summer make up series you've been doing but it all makes me miss living in the Sates just a little bit.

  3. Hello,

    Your blog is one of the best blogs out there, I really enjoy reading it. This picture of you in this post is absolutely stunning. Would you ever consider doing a tutorial of the hair and makeup or listing what you used? I would love to know.


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