Thursday, May 31, 2012

Thinking About

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about life and what's important. Is it money? No. Importance? Definitely not. I think that's why I am totally comfortable running a daycare. My concern is not with working my way up the ladder of life. Too many people stress out over jobs they hate (loathe, even) in order to buy things that promise satisfaction but never actually bring it.

I don't want to be like that. Ever.

For me, life is about all things good: fun, laughter, enjoyment, learning, growing, and love. I like money, yes, because I like having a house and food and clothing but surprisingly, I don't find myself wishing for more/bigger/better. I say that it's surprising because I tend to be a bit materialistic and I am a bit obsessed with pretty things (handbags, in particular) but for the most part, I don't ever feel like I don't have enough. I like it that way. I like being content. It makes life so much easier.

For me, being content is a choice and I find that the more aware I become of myself and my attitude, I realize that nearly everything, outside circumstances aside, is a choice. Our thoughts are choices, too- big ones that, whether we know it or not, shape our lives. If you think you need more money/stuff/praise/power, you will find it hard to live without it. Your need (the one you think you have) for more of these unessential things will never be satiated. On the other hand, if you think you have enough, you will have enough. It's all a matter of perspective and it all begins in the mind.
Once I realized all of this, life became beautiful. Every single day became beautiful. Happiness and satisfaction aren't just goals. They are pathways. Instead of telling myself that I'll be happy when such and such happens or I get a big something or other, I tell myself that I'm happy now. I'm happy today (it's not always easy for me... some days are harder than others, you know?). Even though today is just regular day without praise, a promotion, a new purse, or anything else overly exciting, and I'm still in my pajamas, I'm happy. 

I have Colt, Harper, Hazel and Tucker, and, cliche or not, I could not ask for or want anything more. Because of them, my life is filled with love and love is what makes me happy.

What makes you happy?

images via pinterest 


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