Friday, March 9, 2012

Twisty Curls- A Video

Okay friends. I made a little video about the twisty curls. It's my first solo vlog ever. I look super sleepy (as usual) and sound a bit nervous so please, forgive me. Making a vlog without Harper's cuteness here to distract you from my awkwardness is difficult.

Much love.


  1. Abby, you're so cute. I'm flippin' glad you did this because as I was doing it again this morning, I kept thinking "there's gotta be something I can do to get the wave into my layers" but wasn't smart enough to solve it. Thank you! {3 cheers for nap time!}

  2. Ok so I have short hair so I can't really do that curly wave but I love doing other peoples and that is why I watch :) I love all things makeup just like you. I love being self employed, but not sure I could do the day care thing love kids (but mostly love mine) others peoples kids not always lol jk Anyway I couldn't comment on the about me page but I think the little info about everyone that you love is so cool. Anyway I started my blog a while ago and tonight just blog hopping :) LOVE yours

  3. What if you pinned the ends up in the back? I'm going to give it a try, I'll let you know how it works out. :)

  4. I thought you were cute in the video! I'm going to try this tomorrow with my short-ish hair and see if it turns out at all. Wish me luck!

  5. I tried these over the weekend and loved it. I clipped my hair to each other in the front under my chin. They seemed to stay in place nicely while drying.

  6. I'm pretty sure my hair is too wavy/coarse for this. :( But I just had to tell you that I started watching your last video of your convo with Harper and my little girl came over. She was mesmerized and blew kisses and waved good-bye when Harper did. Then we watched the one of her jumping.......ohmygoodness. Aubrey got off my lap and started jumping. It was so cute. Then when the video ended and I moved on, she got super mad and started yelling at me. We watched it like 4 times before she finally lost interest. Trampoline, here we come!

  7. Abby your vlog was so cute! You did awesome! I love all your beauty tips! You reminded me of those cool stylish girls on "the hills" that made me want to be cooler! Keep up the good work! I'd love to know how you got your small town girl hair look. Gorgeous!!!!


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