Thursday, March 1, 2012

A Little Abby

The idea for this post and the 10 questions I'm going to answer came from one of my favorite blogs, Harper's Happenings. You may or may not know that there is another deliciously cute Harper out there in the blogosphere. She is simply adorable and gives my little Harper a run for her money on a regular basis. Just have a look at her and tell me those brown eyes don't make you want to melt. 
As usual, I look like I need some sleep.
Anyway, I'm supposed to share 10 random facts about myself and answer 10 questions. Here goes.
1. I have a huge crush on Josh Groban. You may have already figured this out for yourself by now but seriously, I love him. His voice. His nerdiness. The way he loves his dog. He's just about perfect. The fact that he dated January Jones gives me even more reason to hate Betty Draper.
2. I collect two things: books and designer purses. I'd collect figurines but books and purses are much more useful. 
3. I love animals and love learning about them. All animals are fascinating to me but elephants are my favorite. 
4. When Harper goes to school, I'm going to school. Not as a student, however. I plan on teaching English. I love teaching and have been in some sort of teaching position (piano teacher, daycare/pre-school teacher, substitute teacher) since I was 14. believe that I was born to be a teacher. 
5. I am obsessed with history. If I could be anything in the world, I'd be a historian. 
6. I love color. My house, my closet, and my makeup bin are all full it. Life is too short to live in neutrals. 
7. When I was little, I wanted to be an actress. Now I realize that I'm far too reserved for such a profession (I can't even bowl in front of friends and family without being embarrassed). I am in awe of what some people can do in front of the camera. 
8. I walked on fire once. Well technically, I walked on very hot coals (my senior year in high school at a Tony Robbin's conference). Either way, it was awesome.
9. I keep journals, lots of them. I have a thought journal, a quote journal, a book journal (to keep track of everything I read), a learning journal, and a travel journal. I am obsessed with recording my life. I think it's because my grandma had alzheimer's disease. I'm terrified of forgetting things. 
10. I could live on Cup-O-Noodles. 
1. have you ever met someone famous? Not really.  I did study with three very well known piano teachers. I guess you could say they are famous, but mostly just among their peers.
2. what is your happiest childhood memory? Geez. I have no idea. When I turned 9, my mom threw me a surprise party at 7-Peaks (a local water park) and that was pretty awesome.
3. favorite album of all time? I don't think I have one. There are too many solid albums out there: Jagged Little Pill (Alanis Morissette), Room for Squares (John Mayer), Pieces of You (Jewel), and The Battle for Everything (FFF) are among my favorites. I also love my Greatest Hits albums from Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson, Barenaked Ladies, and Barbara Streisand. Then there are my favorite broadway albums: Wicked, Aida, Les Miserables, and Funny Girl. Obviously, I don't have just one favorite album.
4. are you a salty or sweet lover? Salty, for sure. Given the choice between a brownie sundae and nachos, I'll choose nachos (every single time).
5. what is favorite guilty pleasure tv show or movie? It's totally cliche but I love re-watching Sex and the City episodes, and when Colty is out of town, I indulge in Love Actually, The Family Stone, or Pride and Prejudice.
6. describe your favorite sandwich. Wheat bread, provolone cheese, and a nice big pile of veggies (cucumbers, avacado, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, peppers, and sprouts).
7. what was your first pet? Hazelnut is my first pet. I always wanted a dog but my mom wouldn't have it. She's of the mindset that dogs are nasty, germ-infested little creatures that don't belong anywhere near her spotless home. I'm so glad that I didn't take after her in this respect. Hazel is an absolute blessing in my life.
8. what is your biggest accomplishment thus far in life? At this point, I'd say being a classical pianist. Any classically trained musician will understand why I consider this a huge accomplishment. Classical music is intense and challenging and requires more patience than anything I've ever encountered (well, until Harper came along, at least).
9. what is the first blog you started reading? The first three blogs I ever read are still among my daily reads: Reagan's Blob, Aura Joon, and E Tells Tales.
10. if you had to choose one dessert for the rest of your life, what would it be? Chocolate chip cookies. 


  1. I am so with you on the chocolate chip cookies and the biggest accomplishment.

  2. Is aura joon back online!?

    1. I wish but no. I still visit her blog regularly to read old posts. She is my favorite. She's on pinterest. The link to her account is listed on her blog.


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