Thursday, January 26, 2012

Funny but True

So, while I'm sorting through bigger/deeper things in my head, I'm going to share some of my favorite pinterest delights with you (because blogging is an addiction that you can't simply walk away from... and I need a good excuse to sort through my 1300 pins).

Since there are so many and they are so varied, I'll be posting them in categories. Sounds fun, right? Yeah, I think so too.

Keep in mind that I don't swear- out loud, at least. I made the decision many years ago that I wasn't going to curse. It's just not ladylike, you know? At the same time, I'm not at all put off by the occasional f-word (it takes a lot to offend me) and there are some pins that are just too funny to pass up, curse words or not (besides, even my mom swears on occasion... "Dammit to hell, Abby!" was a common phrase in our house during my high school years).

Anyway, I'm apologizing now for any four letter words you may see throughout this series. Don't take them too seriously. Just laugh and move on.

And now for today's post...

Here are some pins that are funny AND true at the same time. Feel free to laugh out loud at them because I certainly did. Truly, if I had a dollar for every time pinterest made me laugh, I'd be rich.

You'd better believe I used this line countless times during my tween/teen years.
It's a classic (but probably not valid) argument for any adopted child.

This is the truth, my friends.
If I were British, I'd talk all day long.
And I'd probably swear, too, because anything I'd say would be cute.
Seriously, have you heard Adele say the f-word? Adorable.

True story. 
If you don't want me to judge your grammar, learn to speak English (and speak it well, not good).

I loathe Dora and her annoying voice.
Why on earth does she need to yell everything she says?
Doesn't she know how a modern television works?
If we can't hear you, Dora dear, we will just turn up the volume. Okay? Thanks.

We all have to do our part.
I do mine by purchasing a bunch of crap I don't need.
Clothes, purses, shoes, jewelry, makeup... 
nobody can say I don't sacrifice for the sake of our fiscal future.

These posters haven't been cool for AT LEAST a year.

They need to make grown-up-sized Fruit by the Foot.
It's the same with fruit snacks.
What right-minded adult wants 7 fruity sharks? 
Not me.

You know what they say... 
You can't love another person until you learn to love yourself.

K-Stew definitely needs to watch it with the over-excitement.
All that happiness might make someone jeal. 

It's true- more true than you realize.
I wish I could be hospitalized for "exhaustion."
Then maybe I'd be super sexy at 49 (case in point: Demi Moore).

For real.
Remember when you thought I was crazy for crushing on him?
Well, ha! to you. 

all pics via pinterest


  1. Have you seen that pic floating around of Neville, Harry, Ron, and Draco now that they're all grown? And it talks about Neville being the hottest! Hilarious! I got a good chuckle out of that one.

    Sounds like you're sorting through a lot right now. That's good. Just keep sorting. And writing. I used to be really good at keeping a journal, but a couple of years ago I started an anonymous and "secret" blog to air my stuff. I needed to talk, but couldn't talk about it on my blog. If you need a digital outlet but your blog's too public, don't be afraid to start something new.

    Good luck. I love your blog. Love the pics of Harper and reminders to be a good mom and beauty tips. Love it all. xoxo

    1. The one that says, "That awkward moment when Neville became the hottest?" I love it and it's so so true. Who would have ever guessed? He was such an odd looking child... Then again, who would have guessed how completely gorgeous Emma Watson would be? She's stunning.

  2. I seriously would never shut up if I was a brit either. :) My Gran and Grampa are British and I love it! Great pins!

    1. Oh. I am so jealous. I used to work with a girl that had a British mom and I loved it every time she'd call for her daughter. I keep telling my sis-in-law to marry a Brit so that we can have at least one cute accent in the family.

  3. I remember when I first saw that Icanhazcheezburger post in the daily email...I'm not a forwarder but I sent that to about a dozen people. The second to last one reminds me of Anne Taintor's work, I love her collages.

    1. I love all of these cute animal pics and I think it's funny that the authors assume that cats don't have good grammar. The funny thing is that I've never even owned a cat and I never will because my husband doesn't like them. I just think they are adorable.

  4. These are hilarious!

    xo Shane

    1. I know they are. I just love it. I have laughed out loud too many times since joining pinterest. I'm going to do another funny pin post this week so stay tuned!

      I love your name, by the way... so original!


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