Monday, January 2, 2012

The Best of 2011

I know that this little post is a few days late. I meant to get it up and going last Friday but my little Hazelnut wasn't feeling very well and I was busy taking care of her. The next day, we were out of town for NYE. I didn't go to bed at all that night, which means that I was useless for most of yesterday. Once I did get myself together, I had a house to clean.

Have you had enough excuses yet?

Anyway, I'm here now and I'm ready to share my favorite parts of 2011 with you. Feel free to do your own "Best of 2011" post and be sure to link up to it in the comments section. I loved reading all of your Christmas Quizzes!

The Best of 2011
Memory: getting married (it's almost our anniversary!)
Movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 2

Music: albums from Adele, Bruno Mars, and Train
Book(s): The Paris Wife, Girl in Translation, David Copperfield (not new in 2011 but still so good)

Beauty Product: dry shampoo (Batiste and TIGI Rockaholic are my favorite brands, by the way)
dry-shampooed hair in PC
iPhone App: instagram- I'm still obsessed!
Getaway Spot: Park City- we have so many good times there (we spent NYE in Park City this year and it was pretty fun... stay tuned for the deets)
dinner at Squatters in Park City
Purchase: my new camera... and our Hogle Zoo membership- we will be renewing again this year, for sure... i also love (times ten) my Warby Parker glasses.

Harper Moment: how could I ever choose just one? everyday I spend with Harper is a good day... some of my favorite Harper memories from 2011 are starting gymnastics class, going to The Little Mermaid at Tuacahn, visiting the zoo (many times), spontaneous dance parties, playing at the park (many, many times) and Christmas.

By the way, I never told you about Harper's Christmas present from my parents...

I asked them to give Harper an exercise trampoline (because she LOVES to jump). The took my advice... sort of.
Yes, we have a 3-foot trampoline (which is much bigger than a small fitness one) in our living room now and yes... Harper loves it.


  1. hahaha I love her "little" trampoline!!! how cute!!

  2. Did your camera change your life or what? I believe we have the same one and I loooove it. :)

    P.S. That trampoline in your living is AWESOME.

  3. I read Paris Wife this year as well and loved it! I had to steal your "best of" idea. Love your blog Abby!

  4. how did i miss this post? i did a 2011 recap...finally


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