Friday, December 16, 2011

A Graduation

We had a great time at the graduation last night. I'm was so proud of Calli that I just about burst. I totally cried when she graduated. She has worked so hard to finish nursing school and now she's done and it's time to play, celebrate, and plan her wedding (Calli's getting married in June and I'm so excited!).
How grown up does Harper look with her up-do and fancy coat? TOO grown up, if you ask me.

The drinking fountain was Harper's favorite part of the night, for sure.

This is some serious cuteness right here.
My in-laws surprised Calli with an iPad and she was so excited (and I was just a wee bit jeal).


Kenzie "accidentally" poured an extra glass of champagne... Sounds fishy if you ask me.

Calli was one of the most dedicated students I've ever seen. I have known a lot of people who wanted to go to nursing school. Only a handful of them actually went and even fewer than that actually graduated. I never once doubted that Calli would finish. I'm so proud of her (just like a big sister should be) and know that she's going to be a really great nurse. We are all going to dinner tonight to celebrate her accomplishment just a little bit more. 

Happy Friday, my sweet friends. This weekend is going to be a good one for us- we have Calli's dinner tonight and two birthday parties tomorrow. I'm also having brunch with a good friend and on Sunday, we are taking Harper to see the lights at Hogle Zoo. It will be the perfect pre-Christmas weekend (Christmas is almost here and eek! I'm so excited!).


  1. Hi! I found your blog via Casey Wiegand.
    Congrats to your sister! Nursing school is SO tough! I don't know from experience, but through my little sister.
    I think you are stunning and I'm enjoying reading your blog! :)

  2. I love her coat! :) I'd wear it for sure. You are beautiful lady. New follower here.


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