Thursday, November 17, 2011

I'll Never Forget that Afternoon When...

I played hide-and-seek with Snow White.

I love playing this game with Harper (even though she peeks every time it's her turn to count) because she gets so excited to find me. I always get a big "I'm so happy I found you mommy!" hug (it's always nice to get hugs without groveling).


  1. Look at that happy face! Love it :)

  2. i love it when i find myself crouched in odd places in our house while lucy giggles around the house looking for me. those are one of the few times i feel like i'm a good mom. :)

  3. I remember my Disney princess dresses growing up! I think I wore my "Alice in Wonderland" dress for a year straight. My poor Mom, HA!

  4. hide and seek is the best. wait til she gets a little older and you can do it in the dark with flashlights. my boys love that game.


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