Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Party for Harper

Harps had a pretty chill birthday party this year. We had family over, ate food, and opened presents. I feel like last year's party was more for me and next year's party will be totally for her so this year was sort of an in-between.

Harper had an Ariel party and if she had been older, I would have loved to involve her in getting creative on decorations and food. Since she is still too young to remember or help with her party, everything was pretty simple, which was probably for the best since our townhouse is rather small. Next year, we will be in an actual house and will be able to have some super big fun with her party.

(Confession: I did not coin the phrase "big fun." It came from my cousin Penny in an e-mail a couple of months ago. I love it and therefore, use it all the time.)

In the end, a simple party was best. Colt's back went out the morning of her party and so it was good that we weren't going anywhere because we would have had to leave him home. My parents were also unable to make it because my mom was sick. Plus, I unknowingly planned the party in the middle of a U of U game so our friends and Kenzie weren't there, either. We had a small crowd: my in-laws, Calli and Cody, Whitney, and all of Colt's grandparents were there. (By the way, how awesome is it that Harper has four healthy and active great-grandparents?) Everyone spoiled her rotten (we also had a party with the daycare kids and they spoiled her, too!) and it was really nice to spend the afternoon with the people that love Harper.

It's really incredible to think about how many people love Harper. I don't think I ever understood the village concept until I became a parent. Now I get it. I see how important grandparents, aunts, uncles, and friends are to a child's growth. Knowing that we have a really strong network of support for our daughter brings a lot of peace of mind. Harper is surrounded by amazing people and I'm so thankful to our family and friends for all that they do for her and for the love that they give her every day. Harper truly has an awesome village- lucky girl.

My photos of Harper's party aren't really that wonderful.  Whitney was there, however, and so was her camera so hopefully I'll have some better images to share with you here pretty soon.

 Harper's Aunts (doesn't make make them sound old? They aren't old... they are awesome) 
gave her a Rapunzel doll set. She loves it!

Out of all of Harper's birthday prizes, this little Ariel statue is her favorite.
She plays/relaxes/sleeps/bathes with it everyday.
She's a funny girl, that Harper.

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