Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Our Weekend Was Awesome

Our weekend was awesome.

On Saturday, we met Baby Reggie (my great-niece). Isn't she cute? Isn't she so much smaller than Harper? I'm really starting to understand why people have more babies- because the one they already have grows up way to quickly.

My niece Maranda (Reggie's mom) lives in Colorado and so we only see her about once a year, which isn't nearly often enough. In addition to little Reggie, she has two sons (Ridge and Stren) and they kept us laughing all day on Saturday. It was fun to hang out with some older kids for a change.

On Sunday, we went to the zoo with my niece (Skye) and nephew (Zack) and my great-nephew (Cash). Cash, as you will see, is the cutest little guy ever. If anything makes me wish for a little boy in my life, it's him. I would love to have a little boy (we need someone to look out for Harper!)- one with his daddy's curls that wears cowboy boots and plays in the dirt every single day.

Hogle Zoo is beautiful in the fall. The weather is perfect and the leaves are lovely and really, if you haven't been to the zoo in autumn, you're missing out.

We have all sorts of fun Halloweenish stuff planned for the next few days. I'm excited to visit the pumpkin patch, make soup, carve pumpkins, take Harper trick-or-treating, and visit with family. It's going to be a great week.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you ladies had a lovely weekend :) The zoo looks so lively :)


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