Friday, October 28, 2011

When Ariel Goes to Walmart, She Buys Bananas (Or at Least She Asks Her Mom To Buy Them For Her)

Hello and Happy Friday, my sweet friends!

Colt is out of town doing boyish things this evening (he's hunting... you probably know how I feel about that... still, he loves it and who am I to deny him his fun?). He won't be back until tomorrow afternoon so it's just Harper and me for a while. We have a little dinner (Red Butte Cafe, anyone?) date with Calli, Whitney, and Kenzie planned for tonight, and tomorrow morning we are going to attempt some Christmas shopping.

Before we know it Colt will be home and our Halloweenish fun can begin.

We are planning on picking/carving pumpkins, visiting family, and trying to stay warm (cold weather season has arrived in Utah and I'm not even going to complain about it because it gave me a the perfect excuse to do some much needed sweater/skirt/socks/leg warmers shopping) this weekend.

How about you? How will you be celebrating Halloween?

Anyway, this is what our week looked like, according to instagram...

Bananas with Ariel at Walmart, red for Ruby, gymnastics, a new toy for Colt, Halloween cupcakes... It was a good week.

There were some sad moments (not for us specifically but for people that we know) and I received a much needed reminder about the fragility of life. I remembered that Harper needs to come first in all things. Cleaning, blogging, laundry, and other tasks can wait. Her childhood- her sweet, youthful innocence- cannot (will not) wait.

I've promised myself that if Harper asks me to color/play/snuggle with her, I will drop whatever it is I'm doing in order to fulfill her request. I will color/play/snuggle with Harper every day until she tells me to stop (which, I'm sure, will happen all too soon and long before I'm ready).

And if I'm being completely honest with myself, I'd much rather color/play/snuggle than clean/fold/blog. Sorry guys. You're great and I love you but Harper has my heart (all of it, in the palm of her tiny- and often sticky- hand).


  1. Thank you for thinking of us and wearing red for Ruby.

  2. This is really beautiful. I like it because although I'm not a mother yet, this is real motherhood to me. My mom was like this with me and still tells me the funny stories about my younger siblings. Good for you for putting your daughter first, she will love you forever for it. Also I love your writing. It is very compelling.


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