Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Beauty Aisle: Trying New Things and Flat Iron Curls

You should never be afraid to try new things with your hair/skin/nails/makeup. I love experimenting with different products and looks and I probably have too much fun playing beauty parlor alone in my bedroom.

I've said it before- I'm willing to try just about anything (well, except glitter eyeliner or blue mascara, mainly because I don't plan on being a stripper anytime soon).

My biggest advice about trying new things is to do it at home. The first time I wore cherry-red lipstick, I was in my pajamas and cleaning my bathroom. I make sure to never do anything new in the hair, makeup, or style department on days/nights when I have plans. I prefer to have a few "practice" days at home, which help me 1. perfect the look, 2. decide if it even works for me (blue nail polish, for example, was a definite "no" for me after two at-home trials), and 3. get used to it so that I don't feel awkward when I'm out and about.

Bright lipstick, braids, half-ponytails, bright eye shadow, and hot-roller curls are all things that I've tried at home on cleaning day or on evenings when I don't have plans.

Also, if you are trying a new product, test it out a few days before anything important, just in case. Nobody wants to go to their sister's wedding or family photos with a nasty rash.

One of the facebook questions I received was about how to do flat iron curls, like the ones I had when Colt and I got married.

It took me a while to get these right and so my advice is to just practice at home. Make sure that you section off your hair (I use three sections: bottom, middle, and top), don't use super small sections of hair, and don't be to precise. This style is best when it's a bit on the messy side (and you won't wind up looking like Shirley Temple).

I don't do flat iron curls much anymore but for about two years, I didn't even own a curling iron and so I did them all the time. Most recently, I've been using a larger (1.5") curling iron on my hair but on days when I want messier curls, I use my flat iron.

I've been on youtube all morning trying to find the perfect tutorial about flat iron curls (because I'm never going to be a vlogger) and frankly, I haven't found it. I did find some sufficient ones and you may link to them here, here, and here (the last one is my favorite).


  1. Great post. I just may have to 'test' out some fashion things while hanging out at the house, thanks to this post, lol. And as for flat-iron curls - love it! My hair dresser did them for me one time and I was obsessed annnnd amazed. But sadly, I have yet to try it out. Not even sure why either, lol. I just may do that now :b

  2. I've always wanted to learn how to do flat iron curls!! I'm pretty sure I will never get the hang of it though... but hopefully with these tips I can get it down finally!

  3. Abby your awesome thank you so much. I will give it a try.


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