Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Some Wishes

My birthday is right around the corner and surprisingly, I'm excited. I don't have any plans yet but that doesn't mean anything. There is still time. I'd like very much to have a non-birthday, birthday party. I don't want presents or attention but I do want to have a little fun, a cookie, and a few drinks.

I'd also like unlimited Harper kisses.

If I did want presents, however, I'd probably wish for something along these lines...

That little old lady in my soul- well, she still wants this Petunia East/West shopper.

There are a lot of beauty benefits to sleeping on a satin pillowcase.
It's actually one of the easiest anti-aging methods around.
It's also great for your hair- a satin pillowcase helps it retain moisture.
I only have one right now. I'd really like a couple more.

I just love these. Love them.
(Chinese Laundry from Zappos)

My current pair of nude heels has about seen it's day.
I realized this at the last minute last week as we were leaving for a wedding.
I really love nude colored heels, especially in the summer.
I appreciate the way that they make my little legs seem just a bit longer.
These BCBGeneration heels would be perfect.

I decided to go with the Begley for my next pair of Warby Parker glasses.
It is just such a comfy frame.
When Colty and I have movie night, comfy is what I want.

I also like gift cards, especially when they are of the Nordstrom or Barnes & Noble variety. 

1 comment:

  1. GAAA, that purse is stinkin cute. Unfortunately I need to stop shopping :(


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