Monday, July 25, 2011

A Few Things You Might Want To Know...

Here are a few things you might want to know about the Harmon Family Reunion that Harper and I were at over the weekend...

  • I successfully made it through the weekend without once being made fun of for being a vegetarian (I did sort of get laughed at for driving a Subaru but I was expecting that... my family thinks I'm a dirty hippy, for sure). I had to be careful to make no announcements about it, however. When mealtime came around, I just tried to look busy- too busy for a hamburger, at least.
  • Harper got incredibly dirty both days and looked pretty cute doing so. She was seriously dirty, but that is because she was having some serious fun.
  • My dad loves Harper so much that he even rode a horse for her. I rode a horse, too, but I actually enjoyed it. Are you shocked? Don't be. I've ridden before. My birthfather is a cowboy. I'm not kidding. His business cards read "Cowboy Dave." No, that isn't a joke. One dad is a professional golfer, the other is a cowboy. It's no wonder that office work will never be for me.
  • I got about a million kisses from my mini cousins (first cousins once removed, to be more specific). It's so nice to spend time with kids that aren't my responsibility. 
  • Harper loves hotel rooms (and sleeps really well in them too, as it turns out). This was her first stay in one and she had a great time playing with the phone. It occurred to me that Harper has never really seen a real phone- you know, the type with buttons and chords and all of that out-of-date stuff? She loved our room phone so much that I think I'm going to have to get her an old school one just for play.
  • Colt came for a little while. He still doesn't understand how one person (me) can have so many cousins/aunts/uncles. 
That's about it. I know that you probably aren't interested in every detail of my family reunion (and don't worry, I'm not interested in every detail of yours, either), so I'll spare you. It was a great time, that's for sure. I wish that I could spend more time my family and I'm sure Harper does, too. She had a plethora of adorable little playmates all weekend. My mom's family is big, loud, and fun. It was great to reconnect with everyone for a few days. It was especially great to get so much time with my parents. They are the best.

I'm not going to lie- she IS the cutest.

This is Harper's kind of dinner, that's for sure.
She didn't finish her hot dog right away.
She made sure to roll it around in the dirt a few times beforehand.

This cute little guy (my nephew/cousin- long story) thought he could eat a double.
It didn't happen.

How adorable is this?

Harp and I decided to go comfy by wearing our TOMS.

If hugs like this don't convince my parents to move here, nothing will.

I love Harper even when she is a little dirt ball.
By the time this was taken, she was all sorts of grimy.
Cheetos, candy, dirt, sunscreen, sweat, bug spray, and hot dog grease = a dirty (but happy) girl.

This is some serious adorableness right here...

Harps was so sleepy after the first day.
I let her sleep in her clothes- and her dirt.
I'm sure that my mother is still shaking her head.

Here is a sight I never thought I'd see.

My mom was wearing heels, just so you know.
She isn't taller than me.
(I think I look really weird here... like not very Abbyish. Still, I love my mama.)

My great-nephew, Cash, is the cutest little guy alive.

He is irresistible. Seriously, I melt over him.

We even got Colty on a horse- for a minute.

I could ride all day, even in a dress.
That's Cowboy Dave leading us, by the way.

Harper loved the horses and wasn't afraid at all.
That's my girl.

Harper also loves corn on the cob.
Thanks to everyone who kept giving it to her... thanks a lot.
Next time, you're on diaper duty.

Harper had some pretty important business on Saturday night.

This is probably my favorite photo from the weekend.
All of the kids moved their little chairs into this big tent and had a chill sesh. 
Seriously. So cute.

I can't say it wasn't great to be home yesterday afternoon. Harper needed a nap and I needed a break from the sun. I love home and I'd missed our doggies a whole bunch. I just love love love coming home to Hazelnut because she almost bursts with excitement. She has given me oodles of kisses/snuggles since I walked in the door- and just so you know, there are no kisses like Grinch kisses. 

Word has it that my mom and I are in charge of the next Harmon Reunion. I just hope that the rest of my family is as excited as I am. Ya'll can be watching for your save-the-dates in the mail.

In the meantime there are some fun times coming up for us- a camp out with friends, my birthday (and thus, presents), the arrival of a new great-niece, Josh Groban, Tuacahn, and maybe even a Vegas trip with Colty. August is going to be a great month and you'd better believe that I'm excited. 

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