Wednesday, July 20, 2011

English Chips and Some Pics

Good morning, my friends! My parents are in town and I couldn't be happier. We have a family reunion this weekend. It's going to be super fun. It's in Spanish Fork and I'm so excited because this weekend is Fiesta Days. I'm going to show Harper how to have some small town fun. We are going to eat greasy drive-up food and ride carnival rides and it's going to be awesome. 

I love living in SLC. Love it. That doesn't mean that I don't miss the pleasures of living in a small town. They include, but are not limited to, drive-up (in Payson, our greasy joint is Polar Queen but every small town has an equivalent) English Chips and drive-through gas stations. When I tell people up here about drive-through gas stations, they think I'm a weirdo (which I am, but not because I appreciate drive-through gas stations). They are obviously ignorant and just don't know how convenient it is to buy a pack of gum and a Diet Cherry Pepsi without having to get out of your car. Now that I'm a mom, I really miss the drive-through window at Crest on Main. 

Anyway, wish me luck as I start the process of printing my blog. I'm also going to do some Diligent Joy maintenance as well so watch for little changes here and there. 

I'll leave you with my most recent instagram pics. 

My girls waiting and watching for Grandma

A present from Grandpa Jack
(Harper calls it her "scoooo")

A shih tzu play date

A little Harper surprise

Morning face

1 comment:

  1. Drive-through gas stations are heaven-sent! Melia is already trained to ask for a powdered sucker when we go. I just wish there was a place we could drive through to get milk and diapers (at a reasonable price, not a gas station price). Have fun this weekend!


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