Tuesday, April 26, 2011

What's Going On?

Right now I'm reading The Help. I know I'm a little late to the bus on this one. It seems like everyone else has read it already. I can see why. It's really good. The cover of my copy compares it to To Kill a Mockingbird. Now that I'm half way through, I understand the comparison but I don't agree with it. This book can't compare with Harper Lee's classic in importance to American literature, not because it isn't a good book but because it's 40 years too late. I mean, we have an African American president so black rights have already come quite a long way and aren't what I'd consider a hot issue for new and important literature.

There are other groups of people, however, who are persecuted (I think the modern term is "bullied") and denied rights in our country and The Help has really made me think about them. I'll keep my specific opinions to myself but must say that it's quite inhumane for any citizen or government to deny anyone their human rights. I like to think that we'd come farther than that as a human race but the reality is that we just aren't there yet. We still aren't living up to our potential as human beings.

What are you reading these days?

After The Help I'm going to take a break from fiction. I'd like to catch up on some inspiring non-fiction. I've got a new Deepak Chopra book to start with as well as a huge pile of photography books to study. I'm determined to learn as much as I can so that when I get my new (and very fancy) camera, I'm worthy of it. A fancy camera needs a fancy girl to use it.

I am open to any non-fiction suggestions you might have.

I watched The Human Experience today and it was amazing. If you are feeling sorry for yourself or sad because you don't have everything you want, you should watch it, too.

Anyway, what else is going on? Not too much around here. I'm heading out with my cute friend Niki tonight. We are going to drink Diet Coke and see Water for Elephants. I'm excited. I loved the book and and hoping that despite the fact that "Edward" is in it, I'll like the movie as well.

Colt's busy. He got a big promotion at work and is just about tickled pink over it. I'm so proud of him. He works really hard and deserves to be recognized. He plays hard, too. He's got softball for the next two nights so I won't be seeing much of him. :(

Harper is feeling much better and was absolutely darling yesterday afternoon. Thank you, antibiotics, for bringing my sweet and cuddly baby back to me. She has wanted constant hugs and kisses the past two days. I'm in heaven. Seriously, there is nothing better than a Harper snuggle.


  1. Oh man, I love how she has her ankles crossed!

  2. I'm late to the party too but The Help is on my "to read" list. Maybe when I get done with it we could have a little book get together/coffee time and share ideas?? I have almost no one to talk about books with!


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