Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Harper is Stubborn AND Feisty.

We are in the process of transitioning Harper from her bottle to a sippy cup.
In other words, we are in the middle of a nearly impossible task.
Harper loves her bottle and is now old enough to know that she doesn't want to live without it.
She can be very stubborn when she wants to be.
Every morning, Harper expects to enjoy a bottle of milk while she watches her shows.
For quite some time, I've made an attempt to give Harper a cup of milk when she wakes up.
At first, she would throw a tantrum.
Then she began channelling her rage. 
She would throw her cup, bite her cup, or hit her cup.
(Yes, we have a feisty one on our hands. I like her that way.)
Sometimes she has even been known to hit or bite me.
(She probably would have thrown me too, but I'm too big.)

After a time, I've always given in and offered her a bottle.
Harper isn't a big eater these days and I don't want her going without necessary nutrition.
Still, I've continued to at least offer the cup before the bottle.
I don't really know what the problem is.
It's not like she is very picky.
She is more than willing to drink directly from Hazel's water dish.
She absolutely loves to drink warm, soapy tub water (See photo).
She has even attempted to drink from the toilet.
What exactly she has against her cups, I'll never know.
I'm happy to announce that today we made a break through.
This morning, when I handed Harper her cup, she didn't get mad.
There was no hitting, throwing, biting, or tantrum throwing.
Instead, Harper simply set the cup down on her table.
It's still there. She hasn't had a drink yet but she hasn't openly rejected the cup either.
Maybe she just feels like she must take itty bitty baby steps through this transition.
I'm just glad we are through the "attack mommy with rage" steps.
It's nice to once again feel safe in my own home.

1 comment:

  1. She is declaring her independence, all right. Nobody prepares you for these battles. You kind of trudge along, thinking these too will pass. Do you have play dates with other children her age? Sometimes they imitate each other and learn to do more things, like drinking from a cup, or use the toilet.

    Hang in there. These are the small challenges that help Harper learn her power and your limits.


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