Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Better Late Than Never

After having my I.Q. insulted by the Twilight saga, I was leery to read any other popular series. I mean, no offense to anyone who enjoys Twilight. I have just been shocked by the amount of attention that it has received, all of which I believe is completely undeserving as Stephanie Meyer's books are poorly written. They have terrible story lines and the characters show absolutely no development or redeeming qualities. Let's be clear on one thing: smelling good and being beyond beautiful are, in my humble opinion, not redeeming qualities. Bella is perhaps one of the dumbest characters in history. If I had a teenage girl, she is the last person I'd want her reading about. No daughter of mine needs a love-sick, self-centered teenager as a role model. I believe that a book, and especially a series that require hours and hours of investment, should be inspiring. When the last page of a book is turned, the reader should want to be better because of it.

Harry Potter is amazing. So are The Chronicles of Narnia and we all know that I love Pullmans' His Dark Materials. I'd heard of the Hunger Games time and time again. I just didn't know because so many people that were talking about them on facebook and whatnot were the same people who had raved about Edward and Bella's angst ridden love story. Were the Hunger Games going to be another waste of time? I wanted to read them because the title alone was fascinating, but I just couldn't take any more disappointment. I really hate a bad book.

 Finally, with my Christmas gift cards, I took a leap of faith (remember my 2011 theme?) and ordered all three books. They arrived. I read them. Actually, I more than read them. I gobbled them up. I devoured them. The premise of these books is so unique and the main character, Katniss Everdeen, is amazing. Katniss is a girl worth reading about. She doesn't sit in her room and mull over a boy. She is brave and strong and so different from me in so many ways. At first, I had a hard time with her because of it but by the end, I loved her and I'd be proud to have a daughter who looked up to her. I loved these books and am so glad that I read them- better late than never, right?

The problem now is that I am finished with them. I always get a little uncomfortable when I'm in between books. I'm not right unless I have two or three hundred pages awaiting me. It feels like walking around with no pants on or something. I've got some classics in my re-read pile and will work through them but right now I need something new and really great to read. Suggestions?


  1. Amen and amen and amen to everything you said about Twilight. I haven't read The Hunger Games for the same reason, but it's on my list...I will get to it eventually.

    I just finished reading The Help and LOVED it. Have you read The Book Theif? One of my favorites. And my book group read The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society last year and I loved it, too. Hmm, I don't read much fantasy, but Fabelehaven is really fun. I just got done with it a few months ago - my policy is to only read a series when all the books have been written; I hate finishing one book and having to wait for years for the next one to come out. But definitely definitely Fablehaven.

    And by the by, I can't comment on facebook right now, but if you're doing an online book group-ish kind of thing, I would love to play along.

    Keeping my fingers crossed for the Longest Comment Ever Award.

  2. Amen! I LOVED the Hunger games, loved, loved, loved. Twilight on the other hand...

  3. {oops, I meant The Book Thief. ugh.}

  4. Some suggestions:

    The Five Quarters of the Orange by Joann Harris
    Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
    Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt
    Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Mafisi

  5. I just borrowed the hunger games series from a co-worker last week but haven't started it yet. i'm pretty excited

  6. Sounds like I need to read Hunger Games. I have several theories revolving around the Twilight Phenomenon and mens jeans bedazzled with rhinestones (they are connected BTW). I'll elaborate more on my own blog. Refreshing to see there are other people who read and think thoughts though.

  7. O. Your blog is adorable. I'm your newest follower.

    Penny. The Hunger Games would be fun for you. They are really easy reads. The main character actually made me think of you.

    Rosaria. I just read Never Let Me Go and really liked it. I've added your other suggestions to my list. Thank you!

    Misty. I don't really love fantasy either but I've toyed with the idea of Fablehaven. Once again, I'm leery of a series that is too popular.

  8. Did you see today's groupon? I thought of you...


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