Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Cutest Little/Big Girl Around

Harper is getting so old and little girlish.
She acts so much more like a kid than a baby these days.
I love it and I hate it at the same time.
I see her baby pictures and can't help but ask myself-
"Did I kiss those chubby cheeks enough times?"
I find myself checking on her more and more during the night,
and holding her tighter and tighter during the day.
I even find myself begging her for kisses.
One of Harper's new "big girl" skills is giving great big kisses.
They are often snotty and fruit snack flavored but I beg for them nonetheless.
I don't want to miss one moment/kiss/hug/laugh with her.
Harper's got some other new big girl talents.
She can eat with utensils now.
She also signed for the first time tonight.
Without being prompted, she signed "eat."
I almost cried because I was so proud of her.
I am convinced that she is the cutest little person alive.
In case you feel like arguing with me about it, here is some recent proof.

Dancing on the couch...
You've probably realized by now that Harper will 
shake it pretty much anywhere and everywhere.
She is just so full of life that she can't help it.
 Playing with her dollhouse... on top of her table.
She also eats, dances, and watches TV while standing atop her table.
It's like she thinks she is the queen of the house or something.
Hmm, imagine that.
Eating dinner... with a fork!
Relaxing in the afternoon whilst enjoying
fruit snacks and a rice cake. 
Waiting for Grandma to arrive... 
My parents came to town this afternoon.
Harper was SO excited to see them.

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