Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Floppy Dog Contest Winner

Forgive me for not naming the winner sooner. Things have been so busy that I have kept putting it off. Thanks for all of your name choices. I had so much fun reading the comments on the contest post. There were some really great ideas. However, the moment a certain name was suggested, our decision was made.
My dear blog friends, meet SCOUT.

My cousin Penny suggested the name. You can see her blog if you go here. I don't think she even realized how perfect her name choice actually is. When we found out we were having a girl, I wanted to name her Scout, after the little girl in To Kill a Mockingbird. Having never read the book, Colt just didn't get it. So we opted to name her after the author, Harper Lee, instead. I'm glad we did, too, because Harper's name is perfect for her, and consequently, (and yes, a little ironically) Scout is the perfect name for her favorite companion.

Speaking of Scout, he is still Miss Harper's best pal and she takes good care of him. This week alone he has been to two malls, Sports Authority, Harmon's, and Ikea. Harper brings me diapers and clothing for him (and yes, like a good doggy grandma, I put them on) and she even made sure to give him a bath (it was in the toilet so I made sure to give him a more appropriate one in the washing machine). Just this morning she was feeding him a pork chop. It was a plastic pork chop but I'm sure he appreciated the sentiment. Hazel was probably a little jealous as she has never had a pork chop before.

Thanks Penny for the name suggestion. (E-mail me you address and I'll send your prize!) It is a perfect fit for Harper's best toy. Scout is a lucky dog to have such a special little girl loving him. I just hope he has it in him to keep up with her.


  1. Your little girl is adorable and I love your blog!

    To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book.


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