Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dear Santa

Since Harper is still too young to know what is going on, I've taken it upon myself to make her Christmas wish list. Some of these things will be coming from Santa and others will be coming from Grandmas and Aunts. I am abuzz with excitement for Christmas. I can't wait to see Harper's reaction. I seriously feel as excited as I did when I was 6 and hoping for a Barbie house. I'm already certain that I'll cry come Christmas. Anyway, even though she doesn't know it yet, these are the things that Harper is wishing for this Christmas. She will be getting all of them, too, because she has been a very good (and amazing, cute, lovable, happy, and all around perfect) girl this year. 

These are coming from Grandma and Grandpa Lomento.
I'm excited to see how Harper takes to them.

Believe it or not, I got an American Girl Bitty Baby in high school.
I love them. They are so well made and have the cutest accessories. 
They come at a higher price than most dolls but are worth every penny.
 We ordered Bitty Baby's crib as well. 
It is SO cute.
Harper is going to love it.
The other day she put her doll to sleep in Hazel's bed so this will be a big improvement.
 Harper loves puzzles.

 This one should be coming from Aunt Kenzie.
All future readers need a comfy spot.

Of everything, I'm sure this will be Harper's favorite.
She love the tub. She loves to color. Bath crayons are a win win situation. 
When the Baby Einstein caterpillar comes on the screen, Harper gets SO excited.
So we are going to add a few DVDs to her collection.
(She is also getting Beauty and the Beast!) 

These will definitely be stuffing her stocking.
Harper loves m&m's.  


  1. These are all wonderful Christmas gifts. Luke LOVES signing time, loves it. He also gets excited seeing the caterpillar on the screen. I might have to try the bath crayons, I was thinking about getting some type of crayon so that might be perfect. Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas, Kristen! I love that we are blog friends! Luke is so cute!

  3. Santa is bringing Carson Baby Signing Time - I'm so excited to try it! :)


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