Monday, November 1, 2010

Witchy Woman

It's November already?
Where did this year go?
I can't believe Thanksgiving/Christmas 2010 is just around the corner.
I actually started my Christmas list last night.
Let the shopping/singing/celebrating begin.
I'm ready.
In fact, The Forgotten Carols is in my car CD player as we speak.
(It's been there since June.)

Halloween weekend was great.
Harper was so cute (of course).
We saw all our our favorite family members and friends.
We ate Cafe Rio and the Utes won.
(Two of Colt's very favorite things...)
We watched scary movies.
Harper cut another tooth (with minimal drama).
We got Harper a jogging stroller and it is amazing.
I don't know how I went so long without one.
We spent yesterday at the dog park.

Anyway, I know that I promised you a cute witch.
I have to say that Harper exceeded even my expectations.

(On a side note, we only had one trick-or-treater at our house.
Yes, you heard right. ONE.
Our doorbell should have been ringing every two minutes.
Instead, it rang once.
How does that happen?
Trunk-or-Treat is how it happens.
Trunk-or-Treat is one of the dumbest concepts ever conceived.
It's ruined Trick-or-Treating in Utah.
Utah children should be running door to door,
collecting candy from their neighbors.
They should be smelling that delicious fall smell
as they walk through fallen leaves, rain, or even snow.
They should be passing their fellow trick-or-treaters.
Instead, they are in a church parking lot or gym
collecting candy from their fellow ward members.
I think my cousin Penny worded it perfectly.
"Trunk-or-treat is one of the most half-assed
ways of celebrating a holiday that I have ever seen."
It's true. 
You can't deny it.

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my most favorite witch costumes I have ever seen...great job!


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