Friday, November 26, 2010

Pickles and Olives

Thanksgiving was amazing!
We went to Colt's Aunt Amy's house.
Amy is a wonderful hostess.
We had a great time.

Harper tried sweet pickles for the first time.
She loved them. I also think she ate her weight in olives.

Colt ate his share as well.

I mainly took photos.

Thanksgiving eating is serious business for both Colt and Harper.

Harper's feast

Amy made us these darling place cards.

Blueberry Banana Delight was my contribution to the meal.
It's a Lomento family favorite.

Silly girl showing off for our table...

Harper made sure to tell us that dinner was "All gone..."

Post-turkey sleep

We realized that we have no yummy leftovers to eat.
So, I'm making a turkey dinner today.

1 comment:

  1. As you have already heard I am dying over that dessert. I need to know how to make it. It looks amazing. I am sure your turkey dinner will be AMAZING. Enjoy my dear friend. XOXO


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