Monday, November 22, 2010

Miss Harper J Meets the Snow

Harper was really too small last year to appreciate the snow.
On Saturday night when it was coming down, I got so excited.
I couldn't wait to show it to her in the morning.
We bundled her up first thing and headed out.

She did a lot of looking around...

Then she found the smallest bit of snow she could and touched it.

I think she was a little scared. She clung to my legs. You know I never mind that business.

 I tried to get her to be more adventurous.

She wasn't having it. In we went.

Maybe it will grow on her.
Or maybe she will be like me and foster a life long dislike of anything cold, snowy, icy, sleety, or slushy.
I seriously struggle with snow.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the picture of her carefully reaching out the touch the snow!


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