Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Boy's Party

Harper turns one three weeks from tomorrow. It's safe to say that we have got birthday parties on the brain around here. We are choosing and putting together invitations, decorations, presents, cupcakes, and other equally exciting party paraphernalia (most of it pink and sparkly). I even checked out several birthday-themed board books from the library, which might seem a little extreme but really, I don't want Harper going into her big day uneducated.

Anyway, we were lucky enough to be birthday party guests over the weekend. Harper's little friend, Kayden, turned one and we had a great time celebrating with him. Harper spent most of the party eating ice cream and trying to commandeer the other guest's pop cans. I actually think she may have gotten a small sip of Grape Soda. There goes my no-pop rule.

I found it funny to think of the differences between a boy's party and a girl's party. Keep in mind, I've never really been to a boy's birthday (unless you count Tyler Simpson's when I was in first grade. My only memory of that event, however, is how mortified I was to wear a glittery Minnie Mouse dress. Thanks, mom). Kayden's party was most definitely a mini-man's event: we ate wings and pizza, watched football, and celebrated over a Green Bay Packer's cake. It was great.
Party Girl... 
(note the television- I wasn't kidding about watching football)

Kayden, the Birthday Boy
(Wearing what? A football jersey, of course)
Isn't he ADORABLE?
I'm half tempted to kidnap him every time I see him.

(Another sure sign you are at a boy's party: most of the presents come with wheels.)

Harper was more than happy to test out several of Kayden's new toys.

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