Monday, April 12, 2010

A Most Joyful Update!

April 12, 2010
There is so much to be grateful for that I don't know where to begin.

Finally, finally, finally.... WE MOVED! We have been here just over a week and it's been amazing to have peace, privacy, quiet, and closet space. I am suddenly light-hearted and happy again, busy playing house and loving Colt, Harper, and Hazel. We are so happy here. We have dishes and couches, our kitchen table is drying in the garage (just you wait for the pics of my newest project... hint: the table is named after a favorite fictional character), internet was installed today, cable is coming tomorrow, etc. We are slowly putting our home together and it's wonderful to finally have a home for our happy family of four. Pics of our place will come soon. For now, you may have a teaser...

Here is Hazel enjoying the bay window in our bedroom!
Harper turned six months on the 7th of April. I cried as I sang "Happy Half-Birthday to You" that morning. I cried several more times throughout the day. This milestone was completely bitter-sweet for me. I am so in love with her ever developing personality and the almost daily changes that I am blessed to witness, but it's like her babyhood is slipping from me too quickly. These six months felt like the blink of an eye. In another half-year, which I'm sure will also fly by, she will be a toddling one year old. Before I know it, she will be a sassy little girl/teenager/grown woman and I'll never get to kiss her baby feet again. This motherhood calling brings an impossible love into my life. It has pulled the heart from my chest and placed it point blank on my sleeve, breakable, joyful, and vulnerable all at the same time. I'm certain this won't be the only birthday that I cry over. I'm also certain that we have the most adorable six month old that ever lived...

Good morning sweet six month old! She loves to play with my lip glosses.
She got a high chair and some treats for her half-birthday. She was so excited to check everything out and even more so to knock it all onto the floor. (Spoiled, we know....)
Celebrating with a baby biscuit!

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