Wednesday, March 17, 2010

March Update!

How amazing is this weather? I absolutely love these spring days! After a long winter of hurrying out and in with Hazel, the weather is finally nice enough for walking. Hazel and I do love our morning walks and since it has been warm the past two days, Harper has joined us in her new stroller (thanks Grandma Paulette). I'm still a little clumsy at juggling leash and stroller but I'll get better. I am just so excited to take my two girls to the park here in the next month or so.

Harper is getting so big! She was 5 months on March 7th. She is sitting up all by herself for long periods of time now and rolling over any chance she gets. She is something of a drama queen, however, crying when mom leaves the room or offering a fake cough if she isn't getting as much attention as she would like. She is eating all sorts of yummy baby foods, a task that is getting less messy on a daily basis. I was doing her laundry last night and had one of those moments where reality hits you like a ton of bricks. As I was squirting Shout on her many carrot and sweet potato stains, I was realized that such a task won't end with baby food. I'll be spot cleaning her clothes for years to come, especially if she is like me and spills even in her teen years! I just forget sometimes that Harper is my baby to love forever and it's nice to be reminded of it, even if it is by an orange carrot stain.

I just can't believe how big (literally) she is. She outgrew her 6 month clothing recently and is fitting perfectly into 9 MONTH CLOTHING! It's not even big on her. At 17.5 pounds, she is taking after her dad when it comes to size. I can barely carry her in her car chair anymore!

Here she is, ready for bed, in a pair of her new (9 month) jammies!

Everything else is moving forward for us. I'm still working as a nanny. Colt is working and getting excited for the softball season. We recently hit a few bumps in the road, but we are moving over them together. Our relationship was really tested but we stuck together and have wound up stronger and closer than I ever imagined we would be. We are so excited to move (excited is an understatement, but i use it here because there is not a word strong enough to describe our happy anticipation of much needed space and privacy) and that is our main focus right now... saving, looking, and preparing to move our little family of four! The thought of my own kitchen is enough to make me crazy with happiness. I can't wait to start cooking again and to finally feel at home somewhere. Seriously, I can barely stand the wait!

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