Tuesday, February 2, 2010

So I found my old blog. Old here is sort of a relative term considering that my old blog has only been around for about two months. Anyway, I don't know how to merge it with this one so I am just going to let it go. From here on out, this will be my blog and I will use it! I even plan on figuring out how to be a follower and get followers. I am even thinking of adding a template. Who knows how crazy this thing could get. Just you wait.

Anyway, I'll post some pics tomorrow. I have great pics of Harper and of Hazel's birthday to show off. In the meantime, I wanted to do a quick intro.

I'm Abby. I love music. I love the piano and have been teaching piano since I was 14. I am currently on a hiatus from teaching but am looking forward to taking some students in 2010. I nearly have my bachelor's degree and was planning on doing graduate studies in social work but the fates stepped in and offered me a baby instead (who really is much cuter than any professor I've ever seen). My boyfriend, Colt, and I have a beautiful daughter named Harper Jane Adams. She is amazing. She was born on 10/7/2009. She smiled at 3 weeks and slept through the night at six weeks, both of which did nothing but convince me even further that she is amazing. We had so much fun celebrating her first Christmas with her. Don't worry... she was spoiled in a very Abbyish fashion, getting dolls, books, jewelry, furniture, and plenty of clothing. Now it is a new year and she is growing and changing daily. She is nearly 4 months! It's cliche but I really can't believe how quickly she is growing. She is grasping toys and playing in her bouncer (a Christmas gift from Grandma Carrie) like a big girl. I just don't know whether to cry out of pride or sadness when she reaches these big baby milestones!

Colt and I spend most of our time admiring Harper. The rest of our time is spent with my shih tzu baby, Hazelnut Valentine. She is ADORABLE (really, everyone thinks so) and has been really great with Harper. She loves to sit in Harper's room when we are in there and even gives her baby sister sweet little kisses. My mom would die.... she would absolutely die if she saw my baby getting kisses from a dog but, I love it and I don't think twice about germs. Who cares about germs when your furry child loves your human baby?

What else? Colt loves baseball (he actually played minor league ball for several years up until 2009) and fishing. I love music and reading. I love yoga as well, but haven't rolled out my mat since before pregnancy. I've been doing some easy poses here and there, working up the courage to just pull it out and go for it. I plan on being a yoga teacher one day.

Watch for pics... I will post them when it isn't four hours past my bedtime.


  1. You guys are so cute and I can't believe how big Harper is getting!!! Time does fly by especially when you're a mom.
    Blogging can be addicting, I'm warning you. :) Actually I love doing it only because I suck at writing things down on paper and I plan on turning it into a journal one day for Kels.
    I bookmarked your old blog: http://abbylom.blogspot.com/
    Maybe that will help.


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