Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Our Third Anniversary

Today is my anniversary. Colt and I have been married for three years.

I wish I could say that the road has been smooth and that every day has felt like a fairy tale in which we are living happily ever after with all troubles and worries far behind us, but I can't.

If you're married, you know what I'm talking about. You know how it is.

No marriage is easy, especially when it's one between two people as stubborn and spoiled as Colt and me. No marriage is without its challenges and Colt and I are most certainly not the exception to that rule. Still, we are both here, as committed, if not more so, than we were three years ago when we stood together in a courthouse, tying our lives together, for better or worse. We have been through some pretty intense, nearly heartbreaking, things together, and since saying 'I do' in 2011, we have truly worked (and worked hard, mind you) through our differences. There have been days when it felt like we would never see eye to eye about some things. There have been days when I've felt hopeless. There have been days when I wanted to throw in the towel. There have been days when I pictured myself as a single parent.

But, thankfully, those days have been few and far between and have truly paled in comparison with the good days- the days of fun and laughter, of growth and learning. Colt and I have come so far together. We have learned so much. We have learned how to argue without hating each other at the end of it. We have learned how to turn to one another instead of the other friends/family in our lives. We have learned how to love one another, despite all quirks and shortcomings. We have learned how to laugh over the little things instead of turning them into big things. We have learned how to show love and respect for one another. It's been a challenging road, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. Our challenges have made us better. Our challenges have made us stronger. I am so proud of us and the marriage that we worked to have.

I know that we haven't seen all of the hard times or faced all of the challenges that are in store for us, but I believe that the things that we have taught one another over the past few years have prepared us for almost anything. They have made us strong and have stood as proof to both of us that this is where we want to be.

In honor of our special day, here are a few of my favorite photos from our wedding day. I'm hoping to get a couple of photos tonight so that you can see how much we have changed (or in other words, how much Colt's beard has grown) over the past three years.

We celebrated our anniversary last weekend with a getaway to Park City. Someone gave us a weekend at Westgate Resort and it was wonderful. Tonight, we took it pretty easy with dinner and a movie, which was perfect since dinner and a movie is one of our favorite things to do.


  1. I love what you said here about your marriage. There are times I've felt all those same things too but the good times are so worth it. Congratulations on three years and cheers to many many more! xo

  2. Happy anniversary (a month ago)! You looked so beautiful and congrats on working for what you want!

  3. Just came across your blog. It's very refreshing to read this! You're a great writer Abby.


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