Monday, January 6, 2014

Christmas 2013

We had a really busy holiday season that left me feeling stretched kind of thin. I usually take my camera to every party/event but this year, I kept forgetting it. I did manage to get photos from a few of our holiday activities...

Harper is still in love with Pierce, her "baby cousin." I'm pretty sure you can see why. The little man is adorable beyond words. 

On Christmas Eve, we took Harper out to sushi (her favorite- she is crazy about miso soup) and ice skating. She'd never been before and did really well for her first time. She was really nervous at first and insisted on holding onto both of us, but by the end, she was comfortable going with just me (which works better since Colt is so tall that he was basically dragging both of us behind him) and even tried a couple of "tricks." She is taking lessons a little later this month and can't wait. Ever since we went to Disney on Ice, she has been obsessed with ice skating.

Santa brought Harper a dollhouse (heaven knows that the thirty-something princesses/Barbies she has need somewhere to live), a mirror for her room, some clothes, and a few other fun things. It's hard for me to hold back when shopping for Harper but I try to keep it simple, especially considering how many presents she gets from everyone else in her life.

You think she is happy about a new toothbrush? You should have seen her face when she saw that Santa brought her some pink towels. She has been wanting pink bath towels for a while now and was probably more excited about receiving those than anything else.

Slowly, but surely, Harper's bangs are growing out. I don't even notice how short they are anymore. They have kind of grown on me. I actually think they are kind of cute now. 

Harper, Julie (Harper's doll), Emma, and Tiffany (Emma's doll) have been having fun together since Christmas. The four of them even went on a little lunch/shopping date earlier this week. The girls and I took Julie and Tif (as I like to call her) to Target for some new duds. I may or may not have treated myself to a few things as well. If you saw the sales at Target this week, you know that you can't blame me for that. I'm a sucker for 50% off!

A few days after Christmas, we took Trax downtown to see the lights and have dinner at City Creek. Harper had a great time. She liked the lights but the train ride and the escalators at City Creek were definitely the highlight of the night for her.

Notice her new earrings? She is so proud of them and can't wait for six weeks to pass so that she can get some ice skate earrings. 

That is just about it for our holiday season. It was a good one. Harper made sure to make every part of it fun and magical and Colt and I enjoyed spending some quality time together. The three of us spent New Year's Eve at home, watching movies and making cookies, and I didn't take even one photo. You'll just have to take my word for it that we had a good time. :)

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