Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Less Tech, More Life

I'm making an effort to be more present in my own life. Having an iPhone makes it hard. I'm trying (really, really trying) to put my phone down more and spend more time actually being with the people around me. I'm thinking of making myself leave my phone in the kitchen at all times, unless I'm talking to someone, and to leave it in my purse when I'm out and about. I'm just really over it. I'm over the world being addicted to social media, games, and texting.

Truth be told, I'd be a much better blogger and writer if I spent less time browsing facebook and pinterest and more time reading and writing. In all actuality, I'd be a much better everything if I was on my phone less. Wouldn't we all?

I just really want to respect my family and friends, as well as myself and my own life, more by not always being on my phone.

But it's not easy, that's for sure. Smart phones are a hard habit to break.

So is TV. I don't watch a lot of television. I have a few shows that I record and watch in the evening when I'm reading the news or working out. Those aside, I'm pretty much television free. I've never been one to flip mindlessly through the channels, hoping to find something interesting enough to waste an hour or more of my life. The problem in our house is how much TV Harper watches. She watches more than I ever imagined a child of mine would, which is entirely my fault. I've fallen into the habit of always having the TV on for her and letting her watch whatever show/movie she wants whenever she wants. It's gotten ridiculous so I'm making a effort to really limit how much television she watches each day and to spend quality time reading or playing a game with her instead, which is a good thing since doing activities with Harper require me to put down my phone.

Something cool about limiting TV for Harper is that she hasn't even noticed. Instead of finding her bored and tuned in to another show or movie, I find her coloring, playing outside, and reading books. She plays- actually plays- is her room. She has tea parties. She fights monsters and works on her dance moves. She doesn't even realize she is watching less TV, but I notice, and not just literally either, but in other ways as well. Since I cut down on television, Harper has been happier. She has eaten better and has even gotten on a better sleep schedule. She's been less naughty and less emotional, which is an immensely good thing for everyone in this house. It's made a huge difference in her life. Mine too. I've gotten to know Harper better.  I've learned to understand her more and I'd even say that we have become good friends.

Having less technology on in our lives has helped our relationship to grow. We laugh together and talk more. We are both so much better off this way.

Basically, our family needs a lot less technology in our house and a lot more life. Games, books, crafts, toys, cooking, writing, working in the yard, going for a walk, cleaning, dance partying... I can think of countless things that would be better for us than wasting time with television or an iPhone, no matter how cool they are or how many amazing things they can do.

I feel like I'm not alone in this. I see a lot of people wanting, and trying, to back away from the never ending feeds of facebook, instagram, and pinterest.

What are your feelings here? Are you trying to do less technology and more life? If so, how are you doing it? Please comment with any advice or personal experiences- I know you guys are smart cookies and I welcome anything you have to say.

Here is a quote from Julliard faculty member David Dubal that I recently came across. It expresses perfectly the thoughts I've been having recently:

"We have let the internet rob our time and attention.
Today, children play technology instead of playing Mozart.
It used to be that the piano was the centerpiece of a home,
now it's television."
-David Dubal

I want Harper to be a hard worker, to be productive, goal-oriented, and self-motivated. I want her to be good- really good- at something and to appreciate the finer things in life. If this is going to happen, we are going to have to have a lot more Mozart and a lot less Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. 

I mean, seriously, if Harper was busy watching movies and Disney Jr. all day, she wouldn't have time to figure out that a teapot is the perfect place to store her bullets. 


  1. I have made an effort to use less technology too. I used to always be on my phone and it just frustrates me now. When I get home from work, the phone usually stays in my handbag. I have never been huge on television, so I don't watch that much but was always on the laptop.

    I made myself a rule that the laptop had to stay up in the study and I can never be bothered sitting up there scrolling through the internet so it's had a great effect!

  2. Congrats On Joining The Movement! http://LessTechMoreLife.com/

  3. I've been trying this too. It's so easy to get caught up in things on my phone and not notice the world around me. Now that Everly crawls and walks I REALLY have to pay attention or she'll get into mischief without me realizing it. I also think its good to just spend time alone with my thoughts everyday. I've discovered quite a few good ones lately. :)


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