Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Loving: My job. I'm so thankful for it. I'm surrounded by total cuteness every day and I love it.

Watching: The Following. It's intense and addicting. Do you watch it? What do you think?

ReadingEast of Eden... and it's wonderful.

Listening to: Tegan and Sara. Their new album is so perfect (and so 80's!) that I can't seem to stop listening to it. It's Harper friendly, too, which is always a plus.

I'm also totally addicted to (and totally crushing on) Macklemore. I can't wait to see him in concert next month. He is so down to earth and I love that he promotes equal rights for all (double crush).

Thinking aboutThis post. The gift of acceptance is something I struggle with every single day. I'm sure that will always be the case but lately, it's been really difficult. Food and I are at war once again and I hate it. There is a little voice in my head (a crazy one, I know, but a loud and convincing one nonetheless) that keeps telling me that I need to weigh 94 pounds again.

Working on: Our house. Our new furniture is finally here and I love it all. I've got some playroom projects going on and we are in the planning stages of a basement remodel. I know that some of you have asked for a home tour. Once our basement is finished, I'll do one. It takes me a long time to feel truly settled into a new place. I'm almost there, I promise. Don't expect too much, however. I like pretty things but am not a decorator, mainly because I don't have the time nor the patience for it. I like our house to be clean, organized, functional, and cozy. If something doesn't contribute to that plan, I most likely won't purchase it. Truthfully, clutter (no matter how cute) and useless decor make me a bit crazy. I prefer simplicity.

I've been doing a lot of organizing. I cleared some items out of Harper's closet. Most went to donation but there were some things I couldn't part with (as usual). It was especially hard to put Harper's Ariel t-shirt (the original one) away. It was the first Ariel thing she ever owned. She has worn it countless times and I'm quite sad to know that she is too big for it. I put it in a keepsake box with some other special things.

Looking forward to: Disneyland!!! We leave Saturday. Harper can't wait to ride "all the colors" of The Teacups.


  1. I am loving the new Tegan and Sara album also! My favorite song is Now I'm All Messed Up. Also, your post that you link to in your 'thinking about' section is so amazing, I have those same issues with the scale that I'm trying to get passed.

  2. I struggle with acceptance every day! Thanks for this post!


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