Monday, April 16, 2012

Hi There!

Our weekend, which was exhausting and rewarding at the same time, was devoted to the new house. On Friday, we moved a bit and ordered all of the new appliances. Saturday was spent cleaning and yesterday, we painted (all. day. long.). We are tired but happy.

I might not be blogging much, if at all, this week. We have to finish some tasks at the house this week in preparation for the big weekend move. I'll be checking in elsewhere, though (facebook, pinterest, or instagram- username: joyfullyabby).

Much love and best wishes for a most lovely week.
Leaving RC Willey.

A big girl and some noms.

It's taken four years and four moves to get Hazelnut a fenced yard.
She was in heaven all day Saturday.
So was I.
I love seeing my little Grinch all happy-like.

That lavender room is going away today.
Tucker loved the backyard and stayed busy by digging a huge hole.

Sustenance, Abby style.

A walkway out back and Harper's doggies visiting the new house.


  1. CONGRATS! What a great (if exhausting) way to spend a weekend! Love painting. My living room has had two different colors since we moved in 18 mos. ago. Good luck this week!

    1. I love painting but am not very good at it. Colt has officially fired me from painting. Ha ha. He and his dad are doing an excellent job, however, so that's good!


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