Monday, March 19, 2012

Weekend Recap

The past weekend was wonderful because I spent every single second of it with Colt and Harper. We did some stuff for our house (inspection and appliance shopping- can I just tell you how excited I am to have a front-loading washer and dryer? gah... I can barely wait), watched movies (Like Crazy, which made me wish even more for a British accent, and A Better Life, which reminded me to be grateful), ate an ungodly amount of rice and beans (my favorite), and helped Calli and Cody move into their new place.

Remember that Calli is getting married in June? Well, let me just tell you that I am so excited for her wedding. It's going to be beautiful (nobody deserves a perfect wedding day more than Calli) , Harper is going to look darling, and I just know I'm going to cry when Calli walks down the aisle. I've seen her in her dress and she's perfect. I'm a bridesmaid so I got a pretty new dress, too, and I'm so obsessed with it (Calli was one of those nice brides that let us choose our own dresses). Right now, the other bridesmaids and I are planning a shower and bachelorette party and we are having so much fun (I'm hosting the shower at our new house so... wish me luck... I'm going to have to unpack and put everything together in record time in order to have everything ready). I seriously just can't wait for all of these wedding festivities.

Anyway, here are some instagrams from the weekend. A few are little glimpses of our future (hopefully) house (sadly, that vintage stovetop is going... I'd keep it but one of the burners doesn't work and Colt is a bit freaked out by "old stuff"). One is of Tucker who now refuses to go in his kennel. Apparently, he's decided that he's grown up enough to be with us full time. Notice the ball he's holding? It's officially the only toy that is 1. not annoying to us and 2. not edible for Tucker (a nearly impossible combination to find). Another is of my freshly painted nails. I haven't bitten them in nearly three weeks and you'd better believe that I'm proud of myself (I'm still waiting for someone to give me a gold star). I also used my blow-dryer over the weekend (indeed a rare occasion) and had to share a pic of my un-laziness. There is also a shot of Harper's shoes that might just make you cry (no? Well, it made me cry at least).

How was your weekend? What did you do/see/watch/eat?

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