Thursday, March 22, 2012

Harper Moments, Part 3

Here Mama:
(March 20, 2012)
On Tuesday, Harper brought me a drawing (a masterpiece, if you ask me) and said, "Here mama. I made this for you." That was the first time she's given me a present all on her own and I almost died right then and there because her little voice was just so cute. I'll be keeping this little treasure forever.

In the Store:
(March 2010)
We were in line at the grocery store a couple of weeks ago. I was just getting ready to pay and Harper was playing around in my purse. She pulled a tampon out and said (in a very loud voice, mind you), "Here mama. Here's your medicine!" 

Gee, Harper. Thanks. 

(By the way, we don't know why she thinks tampons are medicine. Silly girl.)

Harper is quite obsessed with poop lately (tmi? Sorry). Almost daily, she gives me a list of who poops (only she says is "poots), "Tucker poots. Hazel poots. Zowie poots. Chloe poots. Harper poots..." and it goes on and on. She goes through all of her doggie friends, her daycare friends, and family members  and in her sweet Harper voice, even poop talk is cute. She has even been known to tell strangers about who "poots." Luckily, only the people that know her really understand her right now and so random people at the store have no idea what she's saying. 

Mama's Crown:
(January/February 2012)
My mom recently informed Harper that I have a crown and now my little one is obsessed with looking at  my Miss Payson and Miss Utah photos. On a daily basis, she asks me to wear my crown (which I never do, I promise) and she is always trying to convince me to wear the "princess dresses" that are hanging in my closet. If Harper had her way, I'd vacuum in a dress, a crown, and platform heels. 

1 comment:

  1. I think one day you're going to have to humor her and dress up like a princess :)


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