Thursday, February 16, 2012

Pinterest: The Kenzie Edition

Kenzie (my little sister-in-law) turns 23 today (Happy Birthday, Kenz!). Kenzie and I appear to be complete opposites but actually have a lot in common. Along with mutual awesomeness, we share a love of Indian food, fried rice, reading, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, funny things, booze, peace, a fascination with the human psyche, and a desire to travel (Kenz and I are planning on seeing France/Italy together next year). 

Let's celebrate her birthday with some of my favorite Kenzie pins (hopefully they'll help you understand just why I love Kenz so much)...

I love this idea- love it.

Ha. Taylor Swift is totally overrated.

This is one thing that Kenzie and I don't have in common.
Heaven help the day I attempt longboarding.

Kenz and I both have a bit of an Emma W. crush.



  1. My husband and I have a big vase full of corks. Half of them have writing on it. We usually write a date on it and description of what the event was.

    1. I just love that idea! What a quick and easy way to keep track of special days, especially if you're a big wine drinker!


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