Friday, January 20, 2012

Taking Some Time

I feel as if I've lost track of a few things.
I've forgotten why I write this blog and I've let my writing skills slide.
I've forgotten (several times) that Harper will be small only once.
I've forgotten to put her first.
I've forgotten to love first and think/speak/react second.
I've lost my way a bit and I'm really frustrated with myself.
You probably know by now that I hold myself to a high standard.
Lately, I feel as if I'm letting that standard slide.
It's affecting every aspect of my life and I don't like it.
I need to take some time away.

I'm sorry if I'm not very present for a while. I desperately need a minute to find my center- to breath and reflect. I need a minute to reevaluate where (if anywhere) I want this blog to go. I need to read and write (not on a blog) more. I need to get back on track. I need to get back to a place of quiet and love- a place where I understand that I am not at the center. I need time to do nothing but love. I need time to be completely present in Harper's life and truthfully, I need time to be completely present in my own life.  

Happy Friday, my sweet friends, and best wishes for a lovely weekend.
Eat something yummy, do something wonderful, and love someone special. 
Much love,


  1. I know for a fact that many women and/or bloggers feel the same, and often. I am always looking for the balance. And when I say "always," it's because it's a never ending thing for me. Good for you for recognizing that you need to take a step back.

  2. lately i seem to have completely forgotten why i blog. i'm so concerned about who is reading and how to get more people to read, etc. i decided i'm recommitting to blogging because i like to do it. i blog for me, and if someone else reads it too, that's a bonus.


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