Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I Just Want to Be Muchy Again

Do you ever feel like you used to be muchier than you are now?
I've definitely lost (or at least misplaced) my muchness.
 And I miss it.


  1. I know the feeling! *sigh* Hang in there. Sometimes when I feel like that I have to get out my "Absolutely Alice" OPI nail lacquer and paint my toes, even in winter, even if no one knows it's there except me. It's a reminder to be bold, to not be afraid of being ridiculous, and to be curious about everything. Really to be more childlike, not more childish (which I think we grownups have mastered on a grand scale)

  2. Yes! I totally know what you mean. Maybe it's the perfectionists in us or the lack of music that used to be so much apart of us. But yes...I know that feeling!


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