Thursday, September 1, 2011

SJP is Awesome and So is Acceptance

Sarah Jessica Parker is 46- only four years from 50- and she looks amazing. She's living proof that a woman can stay in shape, dress fashionably, and age gracefully all at the same time.
Here she is at the London premier of I Don't Know How She Does It.
Seriously, I need that dress (I love any dress with pockets).

So, today was the day... the first "scale" day since before my birthday (remember how I gave myself acceptance for my birthday?). I must admit that I was a little nervous about it since I've been eating more than ever the past few weeks. I was scared of what the scale would say about all of the snacking and restaurant eating that I've been doing.

I gave myself a little self-acceptance pep talk and prepared for a mini-breakdown this morning, just in case. 

As it turns out, I didn't need it. Acceptance suits me (and my scale). 


I'm still committed to being thin. I've just proven to myself that there is a better way. I feel like I sort of grew up this month (finally!). I've said goodbye to self-loathing, hopefully for good. 

Self acceptance doesn't come overnight and once it arrives, it isn't constant. I know that it's something I'll have to work on every day, probably for the rest of my life. I'm okay with that. Part of accepting yourself is recognizing and embracing your weaknesses. 

I'm aware of my weaknesses- and size struggle isn't the only one, that's for sure- and I'm okay with them. Some say that really loving someone means that you accept them despite themselves. You love them regardless of their shortcomings. 

We must remember to "really love" ourselves, too. 

Hooray for acceptance, right? Now that September is here I'm focusing on: piano, presence, and quiet

Anyway, it's Thursday already! Seriously, where did this week go? 

Today, I'm going to scour the internet for some new Harper shirts. I know that some parents are against cartoon character clothing because it's cheesy. If you're one of those parents, don't judge us. Harper doesn't think character shirts are cheesy. She thinks they are awesome, especially when they are of the princess variety. 

I ordered some from Old Navy this morning (that's where Ariel shirt #1 is from) and can barely wait to get them. I let Harper look at the computer with me while I was shopping. She pointed to a Tangled tee and said, "MY shirt."

Like her mother, Harper is a girl who knows what she wants and right now, she wants a Rapunzel shirt.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure you have already seen them, but just in case... ... an ariel lovers dream shirt!


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