Friday, September 9, 2011

Harper Reads

Remember that time I wrote about moments with Harper- magical, yet fleeting, moments that I never ever want to forget for as long as I live?

Well, we've been having them almost every night this week.

Harper has finally matured enough to really enjoy books (remember how in one of my very first blog posts, I told you that I really wanted her to love reading?). She likes to be read to. She likes to read to me. She likes to sit quietly and look at a book while I sit next to her and read my book. Sometimes we even trade and I read Dr. Seuss while she thumbs through some Dickens.

(Fall is the time of year when I really enjoy the classics... I always re-read my favorites- Wuthering Heights, Dracula, Emma, and Crime and Punishment. I think this is because fall is such a cozy time of year and I just can't help but want something familiar to cuddle up with... Some people crave soup and sweaters... I crave Bronte and Austen... To each their own, right?)

Last night, Harper and I spent a solid hour enjoying story time together. There are no words to describe how I feel about watching Harper discover the magic of books. I love it and think that it just might be my favorite Harper memory thus far (okay, I could never choose a favorite but just know that this one is up there with spontaneous dance parties and belting The Wizard and I in our laundry room).

Right now, Harper is really enjoying the following books:

Are You My Mother by P.D. Eastman (except we say mommy instead of mother because I'll never be old enough to be called "mother")

If I Could Keep You Little by Marianne Richmond (and don't worry, I cry every single time we read this one)

How Do Dinosaurs Say Goodnight by Jane Yolen and Mark Teaque (it's only good if you roar with vigor on page 9)

Up by Kristine O'Connell George and Hiroe Nakata

Princess Says Goodnight by Naomi Howland and David Small (right now, anything that has to do with anything princessish is a go for Harper)

And when those books don't interest her, she goes for a little David Copperfield- you know, just some light reading.

This makes me wonder... What are your favorite children's books? What are your children's favorites?

(When I ask these questions and you don't answer, it makes me feel awkward so... if you have some kids and they like some books, leave a comment. I love comments.)


  1. Ry and I are reading Wuthering Heights right now, too. Although she has an entire bookshelf of more age appropriate books, she seems to enjoy reading with mommy lately. (Maybe because it takes longer than three minutes to read a chapter, or maybe because I have more patience with this than reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff for the ten thousandth time!)

  2. when i was a kid, i loved "the penguin who hated the cold." not sure if it's still in print, but LOVE.

  3. She is absolutely adorable. It must be such an amazing feeling watching your daughter grow. I hope she'll continue to enjoy it through her years!


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